Forums - SF bad habits Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- SF bad habits ( Posted by Venturi00 on 01:25:2002 05:57 PM: SF bad habits This thread is mainly to help other players improve how they play sf. I'd like anyone to discuss some sf fundamental things that we all sometimes forget during matches. What are some definate things you shouldnt do during a match. For example, when i used to play alpha2, If i got knocked down, i would always safe roll with feirce which would cause my character to roll across the screen. This was a bad habit i picked up because when ever i played against a top notch player, they would always punish me with a sweep. I had to learn, if im gonna safe roll in alpha2 id better do it with the jab button, or not at all. Another thing would be throwing out random attacks...when to them them and when not to. To me Sf is about mind games,doing fundamental things correctly, and execution. If anyone has any suggestions about how to improve your mind game and improve fundamental strategies could you please post them here? We all have some bad habits in SF i'd like for people to list them here so we can compare how we play and work on improving. Thanks Posted by blk_brotha on 01:25:2002 06:35 PM: a bad habit eh? man my bad habit is attempting a sweep when some one is crossing me up with a free combo. man it's like if they start pokin me then i retaliate with a sweep. hey show me how to play some yamazaki aiight? Posted by Violence on 01:25:2002 07:21 PM: I have three major downfalls when any SF, they are throwing out random attacks, not punishing openings that I get during matches with combos I spend hours working on, and sometimes I get into the habit of trying to be to much of a mind reader. I will do something and be like yeah he's going to jump, so throw out that dp, combo or level 3 super when I land. My reaction If anyone has any advice I'm listening, thats it for now later Chris Posted by Venturi00 on 01:25:2002 07:26 PM: I have taht same exact works against someone who is predictable..but people will throw the attack i want...but they throw it out late whcih throws my plan off. or they sit there causing you to waste a whole super for nothing. I can predict what someone is gonna do but sometimes it leads to trouble when they do it late. yeah anyone shoot off some advice. Posted by Bastion on 01:25:2002 07:50 PM: I roll too much. I also activate my custom combo based on predictions. Sometmes I try to guess that my opponent will attack me, so I activate my CC and my oppnent just blocks. Posted by DoomsdayKen on 01:26:2002 12:02 AM: Well, I used to have a very bad habit in the Versus series games of only doing a Fierce tech roll. Thankfully, though I've learned not to always do a Fierce roll and in some cases not roll at all(MvC2). I know another thing that I would love to do in old school SF was to do wake-up anti-air specials with Guile, Ryu, Ken, and Sagat. I still do sometimes, but I've for the most part I've learned to contain that urge... I do have a couple more, but I'm kinda in a hurry now, so I'll post them up later. Great thread Venturi. Posted by Superassrider on 01:26:2002 03:25 AM: yeah i am always trying to predict my oponents mouvement,and i have this bad habit in CvS2 i always starts my a-groove after a roll.Oh yeah and in alpha3,im always nervous when i get to throw a VC that i havent mastered yet,im like: im gonna make it,and then i always miss it because i just lose the timing. Or something like that,but i can still kick all of your asses. Posted by Orochi Pickle on 01:26:2002 03:28 AM: Man this thread is jenious(j/k about the less common "J" spelling). But really i wish i had thought of this type of a thread this will help people with little stupid things. Me i trip toooooo much and then im just sitting there during the trip animation eating a super. Sometimes like i try to do something and if it doesn't work it is like i hve to prove to myself and i try it again but more obvious and i just get beat. Another thing like when i get thrown it i like "man i gotta get vengence" and then i go into a throw modeand they usually know what im doing so i just eat more supers. I guess the main thing that is my problem is being obvious. Hope i helped someone. Jesus loves you all and he is just a prayer away. -Pickledude- Posted by 26 on 01:26:2002 01:37 PM: psychic DP junkie applies to somersault kicks as well. Posted by blk_brotha on 01:26:2002 02:50 PM: oh i got another one like when cornered u have two choices. roll or either, jump cuz they'll poke u but, i attempt to roll out and theres a free grab right there man. Posted by DoomsdayKen on 01:26:2002 03:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by blk_brotha oh i got another one like when cornered u have two choices. roll or either, jump cuz they'll poke u but, i attempt to roll out and theres a free grab right there man. I tend to do that one too man. Usually though a roll is the last resort for me. I tend to try to jump straight up and try to gain a brief offensive advantage from that ensueing jump attack and combo. While they are on the defensive then I either roll or jump past them to get out of the corner. Peace. Posted by Redcoldfire on 01:26:2002 10:13 PM: Another bad habit people have is when you get hit by a super move is they always want to throw out their super right after its done. Posted by DoomsdayKen on 01:27:2002 12:03 AM: Just thought of another bad habit I used to have. I remember back when I was young whenever I would get thrown I would get real mad and just wouldn't be in the right frame of mind until I threw someone back. That singlehandedly would get me killed. Luckily I grew out of that. Peace. Posted by Ryu60669 on 01:27:2002 02:35 AM: I make mistakes all the time. Some have become bad habits, like, for instance, i'm usually Ryu, and i'm always constantly on the move, throwin punches and kicks and the occasional Hadoken (i'm talking about Street Fighter Alpha 3 here) and then i try some low hits and about 50% of the time they have a chance to kick my a$$ to the next millenium with their specials. It gets annoying when i'm fighing Zangief, i made that mistake, and he went berzerk on me. Never knew what was coming until the match was over. Other than that, though, i ususally take about 1/4 damage, if i take damage at all (cuz u know i'm moving so fast they can barely see me fly). Posted by taiji on 01:27:2002 03:40 AM: i tend to jump in too much even after getting stuff w/ dp's. also rolling way to much Posted by LiQuiD on 01:27:2002 07:22 AM: for cvs 1, I roll to much and i get tossed. I repeat the same combos , make patterns , throwing a supermove to early, to late, not throwing one when neccesary. i sound like a newbie but those are my old habbits, im too perfect now so i dont have bad habbits Posted by LiquiTed on 01:27:2002 08:24 AM: For me it's the scrubbiest of notions...I get stuffed by 2 or 3 attacks and suddenly feel this urge where the only option left is to jump in...BAITED ! It's a bad panicky habit....but I'm getting over it ....maybe ! The guy who mentioned the super bar urges got it right...especially in ST . Some folks feel like "Man I've got meter...lets burn it" . I've seen this in CvS2 in K-groove with myself sometimes....patience is a virtue . Ted Posted by Ryu_311Funk on 01:27:2002 08:27 AM: One bad habit that I have is too rush down in CvS2 even when they have full meter, against the blankas and sagats that's big no no! and also since I play K and C groove I tend to forget c groove doesnt have just defend.....and well we all know what that could lead too. Posted by Aerial Assault on 01:27:2002 05:42 PM: When I'm playing Alpha 3, there is a habit that I need to break when I'm playing with Guy. I need to stop slide kicking so much every time my opponent lands from a jump, or jumping over a fireball, or after throwing. For some reason I keep doing that just hoping that it'll make that really loud hit and stun the opponent. But I now realize the consequence for it is that get baited for counterattack after slide kicking. Posted by Venturi00 on 01:27:2002 06:14 PM: Im glad to see people actually responding to this thread. If you guys like it go ahead and rate it while you are here. If people have suggestions on what to do to break some of these habits go ahead and post them up. Oh i just thought of another bad one. This i for cvs2 and 3s players. cvs players that use parry type grooves (K and P) D you find yourself parrying or just defending when you dont have to. I can remember plenty of times where it has cost me a match. why parry and risk getting hit when you can just block a super or a move and save your energy? This especially happens when a match comes down to the wire...and you have just enough energy to block your oponents move that should kill you but wont. instead of go for the parry! you mess up and now you are dead. Or its the begining of the match and your oponent throws out easy moves to parry. You mess those up as well and intead of a full are now left with half a bar because of poor execution. Posted by blk_brotha on 01:27:2002 07:13 PM: oh shit i got another one, when some one jump towards me then i attempt to do a DP then it's either i get hit or we both get hit. dis is in CvS2, cuz they toned tha shoto's DP. it's like in CvS1 DP's we're so invincible. Posted by krx original on 01:27:2002 09:39 PM: Good, practical idea for a thread. I think the bad habit I get into is that when I see an attack that I don't anticipate, I go for my highest priority attack, even if it has no chance in hell of hitting. Like if I see someone jump in, sometimes I go for a sweep for absolutely NO reason. Also I think people go for DPs too often. I had to realize that you use all your characters' moves in certain situations, and not believe in this move that solves all problems (DP, sweep, super, etc.). Everyone talks about mindgames and baiting, but before you can do that, you gotta learn the situations in which your moves work, which is probably one of those obstacles to going from beginner to intermediate. Posted by nimh on 01:27:2002 11:53 PM: sometimes i freeze alot like in the corner i lose all control and just go into a blocking frenzy not trying to counter attack...its like your brain goes numb s also like after a match i dont remember actually thinking during the match....its more of like i just play on reaction and some sorta instinct Posted by pain on 01:28:2002 12:53 AM: I DP waaaay too much for my own good..... It's a bad habit I picked up when I started playing back in the day, cuz after I comboed I'd fierce DP cuz I knew my opponent would try to jump at me (I know,I know... I had bad competition back then) So now without thinking about it I just DP sometimes cuz it feels so natural... that's the bad thing about practicing too much because if I practice the wrong thing it becomes second nature which makes me predictable. Posted by blk_brotha on 01:28:2002 01:21 AM: u wanna know another bad habit i got? man, as soon as tha round starts i jump back throwin a fire ball and get caught up with a j.HK and sweep. Posted by Ryu60669 on 01:28:2002 01:58 AM: Another bad habit I have is when I just get so mad at guys like when I was fighting M. Bison once in Alpha 3, he used his super move, and it depleted so much of my health that i just got so mad at him and started throwing all my special attacks at him. It left me in no mood to guard, so i got my a$$ kicked. I do that a lot: I get really angry and start throwin random stuff at opponent like a little 4-year old would. Usually during this frenzy i lose contact with my mind, so i cant anticpitate what he's going to do next. It freaks me out all the time. Posted by Aerial Assault on 01:28:2002 02:05 AM: Know what? This is a good thread cuz this might be a chance to cure yourself of your SF bad habits by just talking about them. Posted by Lebowsk1 on 01:28:2002 02:06 AM: Well my biggest problem in most games would be that I'm not a big-hitter, combo wise. I've got a pretty solid game otherwise (execution, move selection, mind-games etc) but I just lack the heavy firepower. Honestly, I cant really pull out anything bigger than a super on its own or, if not, a bread and butter combo! But I've got a playing partner (hey Dave) who's big on combo's but I can beat him 2 out of 3 on Alpha 3 because of other aspects of my game (respect to his skill though). Some people: cshort, cshort, super. Me: cshort, cshort, fireball (or short hurricane kick if i want to go for a throw). My character selection also reflects this weakness: I dont go NEAR V-ism. R.Mika for mindgames, Karin for easy combos, Sagat (X-ism) for zoning, Chun-Li for pokes, Cammy for runaway and Ryu if I'm feeling boring. SF3: 3rd Strike Elena for mixups and real crazy mindgames. Heh, my finest ever combo I shall never forget. SF3 3rd Strike, I was playing as Ryu. Landed a crossup forward kick and a STANDING (not crouching) strong... now as this landed, time seemed to slow down and I thought "agh, what the hey I'll try and tag a shin shoryuken on the end" and I somehow got it out quick enough and close enough to combo! Oh I'm so proud. Other errors I usually make: panicking if I'm cornered and Dave's Fei Long is in my face, "Agh, I've been supered... MUST GET REVENGE!" sydrome and thats about it. Posted by taelim77 on 01:28:2002 06:00 AM: i guess my bad habit is that i dont use super moves much. im old fashioned simple combo guy and before i know it, i realize that its the last round with only half energy left and ive been sitting on a full meter. i lose lot of matches this way cuz i get hit with supers and lose tons of energy and i try to catch up by doing simple combos. i must get it thru my head that i can tack on cancellable supers after simple combos. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 01:28:2002 06:14 AM: Over-parrying. I have an _uncontrollable_ urge to parry everything in SF3. While I can now wow crowds with my parrying skill, it hasn't improved my over-all gameplay at all. Oversweeping in SF3. Underestimating my opponent, then getting pissed off when I lose. I sometimes underestimate my opponent and assume that I can use him to practice new tactics and combos. Unfortunately, I lose sometimes because of this. I know I shouldn't get pissed off (it's my fault, after all), but I do. I usually end up using my best character and playing as mercilessly as I can. I might win, in which case I learned nothing useful. I might lose, which isn't good either because that would just piss me off more and start to affect my game play. Trashtalking. I _don't_ trash-talk, unless I'm fighting a friend who enjoys injecting a bit of low-class humor when we play. However, when I'm pissed off I sometimes I trash-talk ("Hey, are you challenging again ? Do you have money for cab fare ?"). It's harmless stuff -- I never curse another player, but the fact I lost my cool bad enough that I begin engaging in trash-talking disturbs me. It means that I probably won out of luck, and not because I kept a clear head. Posted by bison812 on 01:28:2002 05:58 PM: I have some bad habits blowing my strat after a meaty combo is performed. Not making the execution on my opp. Making little mistakes that can cause a change in my game. Posted by Jaze on 01:28:2002 06:37 PM: whenever i play any version of street fighter 2, i always try to airblock. damn versus games! ~Jaze~ Posted by Fei Ken on 02:03:2002 10:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by Lebowsk1 Other errors I usually make: panicking if I'm cornered and Dave's Fei Long is in my face, "Agh, I've been supered... MUST GET REVENGE!" sydrome and thats about it. Mate i would have to agree with you. Super revenge is a classic!! the number of times i've jumped your genocide!! and lets not forget the occasional use of RS syndrome. (repetitive sweep). Personally i would have to say that i suffer from super burning. Especially in cvs2. N groove, power up and throw out a level 3. idiot. well i am getting better. always a worry though. i end up looking to land one and lose control of the round whilst doing so. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:23 AM. 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